Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why do liberals have a problem with Big oil, Big Pharma, Big religon, Big wall street, but?

Dont seem to have a problem at all with Big government?Why do liberals have a problem with Big oil, Big Pharma, Big religon, Big wall street, but?
You have to admire their unwavering hyprocrisy. They don't have a problem with big wall street now. The stock market has risen 50% and they say ';hey, look that's good...yea Obama!';. When it was soaring during the Bush years.....';Oh no, bad....greedy wall street';.

Man, that avatar of yours is scary. The scary part is that it doesn't look like it was altered much. Maybe just the green hair. lolWhy do liberals have a problem with Big oil, Big Pharma, Big religon, Big wall street, but?
Because the government is not run by humans that can make mistakes or be corrupt. Government is run by angels from heaven that sprinkle pixie dust on everything, so anything they touch is on-budget, on-time, 100% perfect, and helps all citizens equally.

Big oil, big pharma, etc. are all populated by demons from Hell. Everyone from the CEO to the guy sweeping the floors has no desire other than to make sure you (their customer) dies a slow, painful, miserable death. Once we are all dead and they have no more customers, their master plan will be complete.
Because they think Big Government loves them, and will provide for their every need! It will pay for their college, health care, mortgage, give cash for cars and gas coupons. Mother Government will tell them what to think, how to think, when to think. Liberals are mindless drones, and to them, the all knowing, all seeing Government is omnipotent.

Even if a Liberal had a brain...they wouldn't know what to do with it!
Obama has hired big pharma lobbyists, and gotten in bed with big pharma.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Big pharma stands to gain from 'national healthcare' at the peoples expense.

Big religion is still there because obama is big on (illegal) 'faith based initiatives'. Stealing money from people to fund religous propaganda no matter if the citizens like it or not. Got to buy off the preachers, they hold too much influence.

Big wall street is still there, obama had 4x the wallstreet lobbyists after him as McCain. The bailout benefited those who work for wallstreet and the billionaires and internaitonal bankers.

And ofcorse, yes, obama, like bush and the other neocons, support big government. It goes with the territory.
We do, it's why we voted the Republicans out of congress and the Whitehouse in 2006 and 2008.

How do you think a government tied up in Big oil, Big Pharma, Big religion, and Big wall street could be anything BUT Big itself?

Big government is big government no matter who's in charge. Republicans were quite simply out of control. How many new cabinet posts were created under President Bush, compared to President Obama so far?

Guy Montag: The government SHOULDN'T make a profit. That's not what governments are for.
Got no problem with any of the Bigs. At the same time, I'm troubled by the fact that all of the Bigs receive BIG subsidies from Big Government yet they don't use that money to look out for the common interest of the people of this country, but rather for their own interests. This is what turns the tides against them. I'm happy that the Parms and Oil companies can be so successful. But they are successful in part because they receive so much government assistance. Yet they do not use these resources to benefit us, rather they use those resources against us. That's my problem.

A for instance? Bank who are borrowing money a 0% interest rates from the Fed are charging you and me 6%. Oil companies who receive subsidies for drilling charging us $4/Gallon for gas. Pharm companies who get help in the form of research dollars charge us hundreds of dollars for a bottle of pills our government and our tax dollars helped to create. Big Religion? They receive help in the form of tax breaks and collect large sums of money but spend it on pastors and buildings. They don't do enough in their communities with the money they collect. I saw Benny Hinn on TV the other day, in the middle of a recession saying, ';...if you believe in God...prove it...send us money right now...'; I'm a christian but I was offended by the positioning of his demand.
Easy. One, they put us into this crap of a mess because the conservatives want less restrictions on businesses who care more about padding their CEOs than keeping the company afloat. It is large corporations who go corrupt that ruin the economy more. 8 years of removing barriers that kept these companies from bankrupting themselves on purpose to benefit the few on top led to a mess like this and you don't even realize it, which is the scariest part!
We don't have a problem with them, as long as they abide by the rules and regulation set up so they cannot take advantage of, or screw the people that rely on their services. Yes the stock market is going, but not because of a false economy, like it was six years ago.
Bad history educations.

Government is only kept ';representing the people'; (Yutsnark) when they are kept within their power. The US does this using the US Constitution. You libs want a return to serfdom and don't even know it.

All the ';biggies'; except government must compete. Wake up.
Not a fiscal liberal, but I have a problem with the health care industry in this nation. Middle man has to make a profit (i.e., the insurance company) driving costs up by more that double. Before the 1970s, medical insurance was not for profit.
Because regular citizens cannot vote out CEOs, Popes, and Tycoons.

Regular cititzens can vote out ANY elected official.
Because they think profit is evil - never mind the fact that the government cannot make a profit due to ineptitude.
Good point. They also want to kill unborn babies but give animals rights!
I love your avatar....THAT IS GREAT!!!

Democrats are afraid of capitalism, they would prefer that everybody would have the same amount of money in our bank accounts no matter who works or don't work.
despite the rhetoric, many so called liberals don't have a problem with the other stuff either. except maybe big oil. in fact a lot of them think those things aren't big enough!
Government represents the people. The other entities on your list represent only the ruling class.
ouch Ms clownolosi good one
your Generalization is Highly Flawed
The dems believe they know better than you.
Because BO won. That is all that mattered to them...

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