Monday, August 23, 2010

If the answer to the energy problem meant the end of oil?

Should we not go there out of deference to the people in that field?

I've heard this argument and find it unsupportable. In my opinion those people don't care about other people's jobs, so why are theirs' sacred?

When my line of work became obsolete I was told to suck it up and retrain. and I did.

Should I feel sorry for the service station guy or the oil executive? I don't think so.If the answer to the energy problem meant the end of oil?
It would mean that the abrupt climate change we're experiencing right now, may let up. I'm sure all the death and destruction in the midwest is more important than a job at the gas station!If the answer to the energy problem meant the end of oil?
Personally, I think the switch should be made gradually so that it won't be a shock to those workers. If there could be another viable energy source that did not pollute as much as oil, though, then I think that those people would be able to get jobs within that new industry too if it is well planned out.

I don't think this will happen, though, until an actual energy source is found that is as good as oil, because I don't believe that the world supply of oil will run out- it will probably only get more expensive.
Sorry but we will never run out of oil. It is part of photosynthesis with all plants,which recycles the oxygen. Part of the same cycle the plants keep the C and when the plants die and wash down the river to the delta. Where it will deteriorate into fossil fuel. In this case it is not fossil animal but fossil plants. Where do U think our present fuel supply came from,it is plants. All oil is the plants capturing the energy from the sun and making it into oil.
If you ask me the very industrial age era started because of race for superiority at war and the luxury that we experience is just its drizzle and even now no military department complaining of high fuel price is because we bear the grunt.

when you talk about energy how we human doing fine with natural energy long before fuel and still can sail and ride on horses and and rule from a distand land why cant we go to basic with a little ecception here and there
Well there's a situation that sucks.

Nothing worth not ending oil over. Surely you can get another job if all you did before was sell gas and beef jerky at the pumps.
I think electric cars would be ideal. Just imagine how cheap they are to run and maintain :)

I've had to retrain for jobs before also .. I did it, I don't see why people in oil couldn't as well.
If such an answer were to be found there would be no stopping it. The capitalists will provide it if there is a demand.

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