Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What are the predictions regarding world oil reserves, how many years before we run into serious problems?

BP did a survey,and it said the last places on earth to produce oil will be Iraq and Iran.

Iraq will be the last oil producing country on earth,they will

run out in around 116 years( why do you think the USA

are in Iraq?)

Iran will run out about 30 years before Iraq(why do you

think the USA want regime change in Iran)

At the moment the Saudis have the most oil.

Did you know that both Iraq and Iran changed from

selling oil for dollars to euros,then after the USA

invaded they changed the oil for euros back to

dollars.(if it wasn't true it would be laughable)

All these facts are on the web,type in real reasons

for war in Iraq.What are the predictions regarding world oil reserves, how many years before we run into serious problems?
According to the site below...

At 2003 consumption levels, the remaining reserves represent 44.6 years of oil and 66.2 years of natural gas.

It'll run out sooner or later and then what will we have? nuclear? why not?What are the predictions regarding world oil reserves, how many years before we run into serious problems?
Hi,read an article by OPEC they reckon 20 to 25 years.I reckon we will survive we managed before they discovered oil.
Only a few.

Then there might be huge earth movements when our globe fills in the spaces left after all the oil's gone.

Perhaps that's serious enough for you.
29 years 14 hours and 21 minutes and then ALL GONE
The predictions are mostly diffrent and we dont know how much Oil there is left in the middle east and China is keeping veru quite if they have oil they are not drilling.

But even if the best oil reserves are there then no more than 40 years and some say 30...

As posted above Opec says 20-25...but with the world growing rapidly probably about 15. Watch out for 2022.
There will be a shift from using petroleum to using Helium 3. Many people are unaware of Helium 3.

Researchers and space enthusiasts see Helium-3 as the perfect fuel source: extremely potent, non-polluting, with virtually no radioactive by-product. Proponents claim it is the fuel ofthe 21st century. The trouble is, hardly any of it is found on Earth. But there is plenty of it on the moon.

Cosmochemist and geochemist Ouyang Ziyuan from the Chinese Academy of Sciences who is now in charge of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program has already stated on many occasions that one of the main goals of the program would be the mining of helium-3, from where ';each year three space shuttle missions could bring enough fuel for all human beings across the world.';

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