Monday, July 26, 2010

Does the long-term extraction of oil and minerals pose a problem for the planet's crust stability?

I just read that the brazilian government has found 8 billion barrels of crude oil of the coast of Rio de Janeiro.

How does leaving it there seem like a good idea to me?

What does the oil do as it stands - is it helping?Does the long-term extraction of oil and minerals pose a problem for the planet's crust stability?
oil n minerals are nature's gift to man, there is no way it will harm the earth.Does the long-term extraction of oil and minerals pose a problem for the planet's crust stability?
You are absolutely correct!

If we continue at this rate the surface of the earth will collapse to a depth of 1.856 km by the year 2018.

Better learn how to swim.

Ridiculous! Drill rigs pump pressurized sea water into the wells to squeeze the oil out of the rock and force it to the surface. No voids exist in oil wells.

As for mining...ever been in a subway? The one in New York is three levels deep. If you are in a fault zone you are not safe on the surface much less underground.
and finally, our activities are barely a scratch on the skin so it really doesn't affect the crust on a global scale, although local collapse has occurred from mining of coal, for example, and extraction of groundwater and oil resources has resulted in localized subsidence in some places, although not very common or a huge hazard in most instances.
Extraction of natural resources pose all kinds of environmental problems and dangers. But if you are thinking of the earth's crust collapsing because we've pumped the oil out, it will not happen. For a start, most of the effects will be localised, and also, when they extract the oil, they pump water into the wells, mainly to force the remaining oil out.
I was taught that, if the Earth was the size of an orange, the deepest mine would only be the relevant thickness of its skin. So mining will have little effect other than mentioned above. DB

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