i agree 100% with sparhawk.Why bush supporters think oil supply is problem?
You are correct to a certain extent. There is not an oil shortage... the world has plenty in the ground. However there is a surplus of demand, in excess of what the world oill industry is capable of producing above ground. Hence supply and demand drives the price up. Just like gold and silver in the last two years. Now in addition to that, in 1999 Clinton siged a bill allowing Futures Speculators to put down just 5% on contracts instead of 50% as it had been from before the JFK era. This means that the speculators can now control 10 times the amount of commodities (oil) as they could prior to 1999. Make sense? Now look at the price of Ethanol. Yep, the same speculators are now controling the Ethanol market by buying future contracts for just... you got it 5%. Etanol last week went over $2.50 a gallon wholesale. It is easy to see with a little investigation that two big factors are moving the fuel prices upwards. A production shortfall and speculation opportunity created by Clinton and not recinded by Bush
I must answer the question with a question first: Why do you think that oil supply is not a problem? have you noticed that prices are high all over the world? Bush is not causing oil prices to go up in other countries. I believe that it is a problem simply because in all places of the world it costs an arm and a leg. If you are right in that it is Bush's fault then you must think that he has alot larger influence on the world than he really does.
It's not just Bush supporters.
The stock market.. (see what happened when the Nigeria Oil field was attacked)
Anyone who's trying to sell their used SUV for full value
Anyone who took economics 101... and passed
Every Democratic senator who's been calling for Saudi Arabia to increase their output.
Anyone who doesnt know that America's energy output is the lowest since the 1940's
There are those that use their brain, then there are those that watch Michael Moore movies.
Here's a news flash for those that don't pay any attention facts: The Gore Family, that's right Al Gore is one of the biggest oil families in the US. Occidental Petroleum.
News Flash 2: In high school economics classes they teach supply and demand. Look up how supply and demand determine price. While you are at it look up Monopoloy or more appropriately in terms of oil Oligopoly.
Because it is their God-given right to fill up the SUV and drive 90 miles per hour towing their 120 hp power boat 200 miles to the mountains.
How did our oil git under their sand?
Ever see an massive SUV with a Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker? Nope.
Ever see a Prius with a ';W'; sticker? Nope.
I think it's all about speculation also. Because I think in 2004, we allowed companies to buy and sell contracts for future energy sources. This makes the price seem larger than it really is. Ever since , the price of energy has been going up , up , up .
Because there is a supply problem. Yesterday, oil prices fell because China is reducing subsidies on gasoline in China ( increasing gas prices which will reduce demand ).
When supplies are tight and barely meet existing demands even little problems and events provoke wild speculation and drive up prices in an irrational manner.
You may want to learn a little about economics before you spout off next time. It will make you look a lot less ignorant.
You have such poor grammar skills I really don't think it's your biggest concern.
Because they're simpletons.
Because they dont want to think that the person that they put in office is crupted. and yeah he is.
The only way to stop the madness is a NATIONWIDE strike.
Wow...have you not seen the gas prices lately?
First, before I answer the question, PLEASE work on your English. The rant that comes after your question is barely comprehensible, and the question is almost as bad.
Now, to answer the question. I would not define myself as a Bush supporter, or an Obama supporter, or even a McCain supporter. I'm a person who has watched politics since I was twelve, and I am a person who has become fed up with the current political climate.
I don't think you'll find that those who've examined this issue believe that available crude supply is the problem. The United States has a reserve larger than all the other oil producing nations in the world COMBINED. Yet we cannot utilize it.
I know that you want to blame this on George Bush, but think about it... Logically, would the man and his family not make more money from the oil industry by allowing drilling? In fact, Bush proposed opening up the reserves in ANWR to try to ease the pressure on consumers, but this move was immediately blocked by congress.
What you have to understand is that the congress has far more to lose if we start drilling than George Bush does. Many in congress have the hands of environmentalists in their pockets, and environmentalists don't want more drilling to take place. It was environmentalists who played a large part in blocking the move to open ANWR because they were afraid that it would disturb the mating habits of the Porcupine Carribou, or some other such nonsense.
In addition, consider this. As things stand now, when you pay for a gallon of gas at the pump, ten cents of every gallon sold will go to the gas/oil companies (most GAS companies, which buy from oil suppliers, actually make more of their profits on convenience store junk than on the actual gas). However, between forty and sixty cents PER GALLON will go to the politicians. So what we have is another reason for the politicians not to allow more drilling in America. It would mean they would be forced to lower taxes on gasoline, so they would no longer be able to line their pockets.
This is a major reason I refuse to support John McCain. When the man says we need to be taxed MORE on a gallon of gas because of ';Global Warming'; there's something wrong. Obama is just as bad, given that he will not allow research into known alternatives like nuclear or wind energy.
As for the rest of the cost of a gallon of gas, this goes into production, while some of it goes to the oil speculators, as they are the ones who actually set the price of a barrel of crude... not the oil companies themselves.
So as you can see, there are many factors, and there are several reasons why MANY in congress would not want our current situation to change. Could George Bush have a hand in it? Perhaps, but I doubt it. As I said, he actually stands to gain if drilling began here in the United States.
Another interesting tidbit... The oil companies make most of their profit abroad, since the ridiculous tarrifs imposed on the m by the U.S. Federal government make it nearly impossible to make a profit here.
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