Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why is it that Repubs push solutions that dont fix the problem but only transfer wealth to oil companies?

They all admit that the only solution ';Drill Baby Drill'; may only provide a bogus ';psychological benefit'; on the price of oil. It transfer resources from the american people to the oil companies. It will destroy the environment.

Why not push hybrid cars, that would actually lower consumption, pollution, dependence on foreign suppliers and lower the price of oil. Why is it that Repubs push solutions that dont fix the problem but only transfer wealth to oil companies?
Well they also look at ways to transfer wealth to Bankers. They do a very good job of representing their constituencies. It is just that their constituencies are not the people of the US.Why is it that Repubs push solutions that dont fix the problem but only transfer wealth to oil companies?
Its obvious! You have the choice of sending your gasoline dollars to the US oil companies, or the $780Billion dollars annually to the oil producing nations. Our drilling standards are much more severe than the Arabs, thus saving the envoironment. There are approx. 15 million cars produced each year. It would take 8 years to change total production to hybrids, and most of those still burn oil, so your suggestion does not solve the problem. In the eight years we send the $780 Billion dollars out on oil, our Debt again doubles. In this last week, Dems including Nancy Poloci, Barak Obama, and Joe Biden see the necessity of drilling and have bought into it, including a fast track to nuclear energy. You have to ask yourself why these people who boast change, take so long to come to the table. Good question, was glad to answer.
Excellent question, repubs have historically always backed big

business.Oil companies have always had greedy politicians hands

in their pockets.Americas' dependency and addiction on foreign oil

wil never change until we Americans change the way we think aboutour

enviornment.There's no money for the politician to push for hybrid

cars or alternative energy vehicles.

Drilling for oil in controversial places will only put more money in oil company pockets and won't lower the price of oil.Do you really want another repub president ?
It's because they're Republicans. They want to stay with old ways and rule with a forceful grip, while Democrats want to change the world with friendly hands.

They both hate each other for this ideology, but there's nothing you can do about it.

If you ever told a Republican that the environment is more important than oil, he would just laugh and laugh and laugh.

Republicans have never had the imagination or leadership necessary for addressing serious issues. Today's problems require the kind of innovation and creativity that founded and built uor nation. Republicans want the tried and true. Even the energy companies admit we need alternative forms of energy.

It's going to take someone with more imagination than it takes to say ';nuke ler';
If President Bush's comprehensive energy plan had been adopted we would have solutions to the problem. The liberal solution of nationalizing the Energy industry gives us nothing but higher prices and no real development of alternate sources. I have yet to hear any liberal Democrat come out with a balanced solution, that includes the use of Atomic power, wind, solar and geothermal.
Actually, McCain is pushing for everything. He has stated he wants to expand on wind, solar and nuclear energies. The oil drilling would decrease our dependence on foreign oil. It would strengthen our economy by keeping money in the US, and not sending it across the ocean to the Middle Eastern Sheiks.
Because GOP IS the party of big oil companies. Most of the party money come from oil companies and they do not pay just for nothing - in return they demand the laws they will benefit oil companies.

FYI- Obama and Biden both support offshore drilling

'; it will destroy the enviroment';?

You realize more oil goes into the water from cars leaking oil than from accidents on oil rigs right?
If Hybrid cars were a viable alternative, Obama would have promised to provide every American family with one...and without raising taxes.
Short term solutions for long term problems based on what will put the most money in their pocket now has always been the conservative way. I don't expect it to change anytime soon.
Excellent observation. The republican philosophy behind economic policies is largely attributed to the trickle-down-wealth style economic initiatives proposed by Ronald Reagan during the eighties. Reaganomics, as it is known. They embrace the idea of smaller government, increased military spending, and tax cuts for the wealthy in hopes that the tax breaks will create jobs and thus induce economic growth. Logically this seems to make sense, but its fundamentally flawed. Tax breaks for corporations seems to do less to create jobs, and more to line the pockets of CEO's. In fact, after his huge initial tax cuts in the early 80's, Reagan tripled the national debt- from 1 trillion dollars to 3 trillion. He then raised taxes- six times- in an effort to undo his mistake. After he left office and George H. W. bush succeeded him, Bush increased taxes on corporations to try and fix reagans mistake. After G.H.W. bush left office and bill clinton replaced him, Clinton raised taxes on corporations to try and fix reagans mistake. the point is it took an additional 2 presidential cycles to create the economic surplus that we saw by the end of clinton's 2nd term, and undo the damage that republican-style economics did to our country.

it should be noted that Bush Jr., following Reagan's example, has increased our national debt to 9 trillion dollars- the highest it's ever been, and more than the accumulated debt of every other president in history combined.

It should also be noted that to get ourselves out of that debt, the only solution is to raise taxes. Democrats will be chasitized for raising taxes to fix a problem that was caused by republicans. Ironic, huh?
You mean like Cheneys 2005 Energy bill that gave oil companies $2.5billion in tax breaks?

The one Obama supported and McCain voted against?

Like that?

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