Friday, July 30, 2010

Did you hear the 'great' news about the new Saudi oil fields that could help problems with rising gas prices?

Yeah, just great. And here I was sort of hoping all this would get people serious about alternative energies and we'd finally break the hold the saudis have on us. They're getting rich while we're over here feeling the pinch.

Before you think that I'm some kind of gas hating pansy, I love sports cars, and if I could I'd go out and hot rod all I could. It just seems like to me, if the future does not include gas as a cost-effective fuel and energy source, then shouldn't we be looking for something else?鈥?/a>Did you hear the 'great' news about the new Saudi oil fields that could help problems with rising gas prices?
Yes, we should be looking for something else as we actually want a planet left.

I have a CONSPIRACY theory for you, the Saudis knew for a long time about these oil fields but didn't use them so they could artificially drive up oil prices, when supply goes down and demand is rocketing the price of the product goes up and up, making them loads of money. I suspect this is happening with many other oil companies as well under the cover of oil shortage, not debunking that there is one though.Did you hear the 'great' news about the new Saudi oil fields that could help problems with rising gas prices?
We are! We have the technologies to produce more power with wind, concentrating solar, wave, and geothermal. These technologies will also reduce demand. This makes electric car, trains and airplanes viable. The USA could be exporting oil again within 5 years if we continue to explore and drill. But the price is not likely to fall. If you want to know more about these technologies go to
My idea is simple. $140 a barrel for oil to the middle east....$150 a bushell for corn or wheat to the U.S. I would love to own a 1967 Mustang or a GTO...but I can't...I have to give $4.26 a gal for gas to get to work. We have the means to produce fuel/energy for transportation.....but the big money boys won't allow it.
Yes it will help if the Left doesn't vote it down. The Left has exercised their environmental choke hold and it is time for the world to know. If the people actually learn how much they have cost us ,I don't think they could get dog catcher.
The bottom line is that like it or not, we are going to be using fossil fuels for energy, for at least the next twenty years, regardless of how expensive they are. That's just how it is. We don't have the technology or ability to be completely off oil by that time. Seeing as the environmental extremist won't let us use the oil reserves here in our own country, it is a good thing that the Saudi's are opening a new oil field. We are going to have to get it from some where. Personally I would rather keep the money here at home in our own economy, but what can we do.

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